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What do you want to be when you grow up? Elegnano Founder Katrien Herdewyn speaks at KULeuven

As a little kid, you can be whatever you want to be. A princess. A firefighter. A professional football player or ballerina. Or a Hollywood actress. The sky is the limit. Everything is possible. Elegnano founder, Katrien Herdewyn, may be a big dreamer with a sky-is-the-limit mentality, as a young girl her dreams were more modest. Her dream job was to sell shoes.

Last week, Katrien gave two talks at her Alma Mater KULeuven in Belgium aspiring to inspire young graduates to follow their dreams and kick-start their career. It is not surprising that the number 7 on the list of most innovative universities in the world, regularly hosts events to encourage their students and staff to become an entrepreneur and intrapreneur. Innovation and courage were central topics during the annual LCIE Startup Event and the Women in Tech Gala by AFT (Academics for Technology).

Katrien Herdewyn spoke at both events about her journey from 4-year old shoe fanatic, to an engineering student and doctoral researcher at the KULeuven, and eventually the founder of her company Elegnano.

Do you want Katrien to speak at your event about her startup journey or what the future of (nano)technology in fashion looks like? Contact us!



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